Friday, September 24, 2010

First Therapy Session Tomorrow!

Okay so I just called and set up my first therapy session and it turns out she's available tomorrow! I'm really nervous but she seems nice! Now all I have to do is find this place.

What did I do and say? Hmm... let me think. Well first I tried calling before the class I had today but there was no answer and I didn't want to leave a voice mail. Then, after watching some weird movie in my anthropology class, I called again and she answered. I gave her some info and she asked why I was coming in. I said, "I'm transgendered. I don't know if you-" she cut me off "yes, that's a specialty of mine." Awesome! I thought. At least I won't have to worry about someone who doesn't know what they are doing... I hope. So I thought through my schedule and we came up with tomorrow at noon. It's so soon!

I'm kind of freaking out right now. What if I don't say things right... or if I'm not able to describe what I'm feeling inside (I often have trouble with this). I guess I'll just have to wait and see what will happen and I will post something tomorrow saying how it went.

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