Saturday, October 9, 2010

Yet Another Update

So... I never went to the San Francisco thing on Friday. My mom didn't want me driving back home in the dark and I didn't want to worry her.

Anyway, I went to the support group meeting today and it was awesome. It wasn't formatted like how a normal group meeting would go since there was a guest speaker: Jennifer Hastings from Planned Parenthood in Santa Cruz. She's basically the person I might go to for T. She was very interesting... and knowledgeable, as were the other group members.

We didn't really introduce ourselves formally today since it was a speaker day but I did get to talk to some of them. They were all pretty nice. I even went to lunch with them and we talked. It was pretty cool to not have to worry about having to make sure I act like a girl around the people that I'm with. I also found it weird that I felt more comfortable with them than I do with people I've known for years. I guess the whole 'being yourself' thing trumps 'new people' anxiety.

In unrelated news I currently working on a story. I don't know if I've mentioned it before or not but I like to write. Specifically fanfiction. I am currently obsessed with Rizzoli & Isles and continued from the cliffhanger they gave. It (Twist Tie) was supposed to be a one-shot but, apparently, I need to finish it. So I have started on my first R&I full fledged story adventure!

Okay... That sounded way more epic than it really is, I promise.

Anyway, back to writing!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Another Update

Hey all you guys out there!

So my last session went well and on Monday I went to talk about joining a Trans support group and I got in so I will be attending that on Saturday. Anyway, what I really wanted to talk about was this upcoming Friday. I made plans Monday night to go to San Francisco for "Stand up to youth suicide" march thing. I am out to the LGBT club that I'm going with and when I said I was attending via facebook my sister asked if she could go with me. This stopped me in my tracks and made me a little scared. I did not know for sure if my mom had told her or not yet so I just asked her and my mom said that she "just kind of said it in passing and it was kind of like not a big deal to [my sister]"

At first I was like: wtf, how can you just say it in passing? Like nonchalantly? I was confused.

So anyway after my mom quelling my fears about that I said that my sister could go. Now I'm nervous about how this could go... It's definitively an interesting situation to be put in.

This creates more problems, however, as I have a huge essay due Thursday night that I haven't finished yet  and now I'm really scared/nervous about this. So this will probably be what most of my thinking consists of between then and now and that's really not good.

Okay *deep sigh* I guess I will try to get some sleep right now. I have school tomorrow and an essay to finish so I'll try to focus on that.

Could all the non-existent readers wish me luck? Thanks!